3 Things to Do After You Get Rejected from a Tech Job Application

Getting rejected from a tech job application can be tough. It is normal to feel frustrated and even a little bit down about it. But do not be discouraged because there are things that you can do to help turn rejection into an opportunity for growth. 

The first step is to reassess your skills. Think about what went wrong with the application process and what areas you may need to improve on to increase your chances of getting hired next time. You must figure out which areas could be improved so that when the next job opportunity comes around, you will be well prepared. 

According to Rotessa Reyes (Recruiter), “when you fail an interview, your recruiter should send a rejection email by explaining the main reason or feedback why the candidate is not considered in the position they are applying to. As a recruiter, they are responsible to inform and guide the candidate whether it is good or bad feedback, it will help the candidate improve their skills that might help them in the future. 

Jennifer Abutal (Senior Recruiter) on the other hand, mentioned that as a job seeker, you should also respond to any rejection email you may have received. “Responding to an interview rejection email helps you maintain a good relationship with the hiring team and shows your capability to remain professional while overcoming disappointment. In sending your response, make sure to thank your interviewers, express your disappointment and continued interest. Also, asking for detailed feedback can be useful for personal and professional development – this allows you to check which areas of your application were successful and identify where you could improve.”  

Network to Find New Job Opportunities. 
One of the first and most important steps to take after being rejected from a tech job application is to network with people in your industry. Talk to professionals, attend networking events, and engage with people on social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter. 

By networking with people in the technology field, you will get valuable insights about upcoming job roles that you can apply for. In addition, networking can serve as a wonderful opportunity to practice interviewing and build relationships with potential employers or recruiters. 
While some may think networking is intimidating, it is a terrific way to establish yourself as a professional in the competitive field of technology. There are many opportunities if you try to stay connected and ask questions. Start building relationships now so that when you are ready to apply again, you have an even better chance of success. 

Consider Applying to Other Jobs or Companies. 
When you are rejected from a tech job, it is easy to feel like all hope is lost. Do not let rejection define your career path, there are plenty of other options out there. Consider applying to other companies or roles if the one you were just rejected from was not the right fit. 

That does not mean throwing your resume at every IT (Information Technology) job opening out there, either. Instead, it means researching new employers and roles: Which ones are the best fit for your skills and experience? What types of companies or positions could you be successful in? 

Focus on what makes you feel confident about applying for a new job. Is there something specific about a particular employer or role that appeals to you? Think about how your skills could make an impact in that role and take the time to update your resume and make sure it fits with the new job requirements. Doing so will help increase the chances of success in your next application round. 

Do not Be Discouraged – Use Rejection as Motivation. It can be hard to stay motivated after a job rejection. But take it as a challenge, not a roadblock. And here is why you can use this opportunity to reassess your skills, which will help you figure out what you need to do to get the job of your dreams. 

There are three main things you can do: 

  • Analyze your Strengths: First and foremost, assess your strengths and think about how those who apply in the tech field. What have you done in the past that has been successful? How have those things made an impact? This can give you an idea of where you should start when it comes to pursuing a career in tech. 
  • Identify Areas for Improvement: Once you have identified your strengths, look for potential areas that could use some improvement before applying for tech jobs again. This could include programming languages or software tools, as well as soft skills like communication and problem solving. 
  • Follow Up with Your Interviewer: If possible, it can be beneficial to follow up with your interviewer after a rejection to learn more about what they were looking for and what skillsets would give you an advantage in future applications. Do not be afraid to ask questions. Doing so will help ensure that the next time you apply for a job, you are fully prepared and better equipped with the skills necessary to get hired. 

Vhince Calpa (recruiter) mentioned that “Usually, you will receive the results for the technical interview with less than a week but there are other cases that it takes more than a week, sometimes months, ,cause there are several factors that plays like the company has many candidates in their pipeline and they are still interviewing other candidates to make a decision, sometimes the hiring manager is on leave, the hiring manager puts the job opening on hold, etc. But you can follow up for the feedback of your application after a week and there is nothing wrong with that just be mindful about your words when you are asking about your application.” 

Being rejected from a tech job application can be disheartening, but it can also be an opportunity to reflect and reassess your skills. Take time to look at other job postings and make sure your resume reflects the requirements of the job you are applying for. Try to make yourself stand out from the crowd with a unique approach to applications and interviews. Finally, do not forget to leverage your network and update your LinkedIn profile. 

With the right attitude, you can use rejection to find out more about yourself. Start by being honest with yourself and make sure that you have the right experience and skills to succeed in the job you are applying for. Invest time in self-reflection and build upon your strengths and weaknesses to develop new skills. By doing this, your next tech job application process will be much easier and successful. 

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