From Isolation to Innovation: Nezda SERVES Transforms a Community in Paete Towards Progress and Development

Nezda SERVES Access Road

The community of Sitio Papatahan in Paete, Laguna has recently witnessed a significant event that celebrates the development of their area last May 14, 2023. The inauguration and blessing of the Nezda Access Road, Agriculture and Farming Center, Barangay Health Center, and Sewing and Weaving Center have brought about new opportunities for the residents. This monumental event marks a new chapter in the community’s history, providing them with the necessary resources to improve their livelihood and overall well-being. With these newly established facilities, Sitio Papatahan is set to achieve a brighter future filled with promising possibilities. 

The Nezda SERVES Access Road is a major infrastructure project that will benefit the community which was once isolated from the town proper, by providing them with a safe and reliable access road that connects them to the rest of Paete and nearby places. The concrete road is approximately 800m long.

Left Photo: The “Entrance” to Sitio Papatahan Prior the Road Construction ; Right Photo: Nezda Access Road Arch Serves as a Gateway to approximately 800m Concrete Road
Left Photo: Muddy and Slippery Road Leading to Sitio Papatahan before the Road Construction ; Right Photo: Approximately 800m Concrete Road Leading to Nezda VILLE Paete

Before the construction of the access road, the residents of Sitio Papatahan had to endure a treacherous and hazardous mountain trail that was prone to landslides and accidents. It was a long-awaited project that had been in the works for months.

The community had been struggling with transportation, especially during the rainy season when the road would get muddy and impassable. Now, with the completion of the Nezda SERVES Access Road, they can easily travel to and from their homes, and access other areas in town. 

Left Photo: The Demo Farm used by the Students and the Community in Papatahan ; Right Photo: Improved Agriculture and Farming Center

The Agriculture and Farming Center is another important project that will help the community to improve their livelihood and promote sustainable and organic farming practices. The center was established to provide the community with additional knowledge and skills in agriculture and farming. It also aims to help them enhance their productivity and income.

The center is equipped with various equipment, tools, and materials that will be useful in their farming activities. The center will also serve as a venue for training and workshops for the community to learn new techniques and strategies in farming. 

Left Photo: The Facade of the Old Health Center Before Renovation ; Right Photo: Renovated Exterior of the New Papatahan Health Center

In addition to that, the Barangay Health Center was also renovated. It is a crucial facility that will give residents access to basic health services and medical care. This facility will provide the community with access to basic healthcare services, such as checkups, vaccinations, and consultations.

The health center is staffed by qualified medical professionals and equipped with basic medical equipment and supplies that will enable them to provide basic medical services and respond to emergencies, especially in maternity cases. It will also serve as a venue for health education and awareness programs to promote a healthy lifestyle among the locals. 

Left Photo: Vacant Lot Used for Gardening in Front of Nezda VILLE; Right Photo: New Sewing and Weaving Center in Nezda VILLE Paete

The Sewing and Weaving Center has also been opened. It is an initiative that aims to promote the local industry and provide the residents with an alternative source of income. The center provides training, equipment, and materials for sewing and weaving that will allow the residents to create and sell their products in the local market. 

The inauguration and blessing of these infrastructures and community facilities are a testament to the power of collaboration and cooperation between Nezda and the community. The management and employees of Nezda, community leaders, and residents worked together to make these projects a reality and improve the lives of the people in Sitio Papatahan. It was a joyous occasion that was marked by the ribbon cutting and a short program which happened in Nezda VILLE – Paete. The residents of Sitio Papatahan expressed their gratitude and appreciation for everyone who made these projects possible. 

These projects in Sitio Papatahan, Paete, Laguna are significant milestones in the development of the community which will go a long way in improving the lives of the people in the Sitio and promote sustainable development and progress in the area. 

The event was a celebration of the community’s hard work and dedication to improving their lives, supported by Nezda SERVES. It was also a reminder of the importance of working together towards a common goal. With these facilities now in place, the community of Sitio Papatahan is better equipped to face the challenges of the future, and to build a brighter and more prosperous tomorrow. 

Here’s to creating a better world, one community at a time.

Who are we? #WEARENEZDA. 


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