IT CAREERS: Tips in Finding a Job This Approaching Holiday Season

If you’re looking for work during holidays, it’s important to develop your own strategies to help you find work more easily. Here are some tips for you!

UPDATE YOUR RESUME.  Update your resume to reflect your current skills and achievements. Your resume is often the first impression of a recruiter on you, so it’s important to create a memorable document that highlights your best qualities. Make sure it’s relevant to the job you’re interested in, doesn’t contain typos, and demonstrates your ability to get the job done.

CREATE A SCHEDULE. Arrange a job search. This will allow you to consciously take your time looking for a new job. You can also balance job hunting with the fun and exhilaration of the season. Job hunting schedules can also hold you accountable. Even if you only spend only 30 minutes a day on job hunting, he can ensure that his job search progresses by following his daily routine.

RECONNECT WITH YOUR NETWORK. Make an effort to network during the holiday season. Consider sending a friendly vacation email to a former colleague or classmate. In your email, you can tell them you’re looking for a new job and ask if they know of open positions. Whether or not they know anything now, reconnecting with them can keep future job opportunities in mind. You can start a conversation with just an email.

USE YOUR FREE TIME WISELY. The holiday season often has a lot of free time, such as vacations, and breaks from work. Relaxing and enjoying time with family and friends is important, but consider using the extra time to continue your job search. Staying productive helps keep the momentum going and can lead to work sooner or later.

BECOME A VOLUNTEER. There are many opportunities to volunteer at fundraising and charity organizations during the holidays. Volunteering gives you an opportunity to give back to your community and meet new people to add to your network. It’s also a great opportunity to learn valuable skills for your future career. If you choose to volunteer, you can also include your experience in your resume. By including your volunteer experience on your resume, you can show the recruiter that you really care about your community.

ATTEND HOLIDAY EVENTS. Consider attending holiday events and parties where you can connect with current and former colleagues. Attending these events also gives you the opportunity to share business cards. If someone you share your business card with hears about a job opportunity that might be of interest to you, they can contact you to see if you might be interested. Overall, holiday events serve as networking opportunities throughout the season.

Holidays are a time of happiness and positivity. Take advantage of this positive attitude in your job search. If you lose interest in hunting while on vacation, it will be difficult to get anything again in January. If you stay on course, you might find your dream job while on vacation.

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