
Things To Consider In Applying To Tech Companies

There are things you shouldn’t do and do during job hunting, and technical jobs are no exception. “What are some of these?” you may be wondering. Here are some dos and

How Can Nezda Help Your Business Get the Best Tech Professionals

One of the benefits of staffing agencies is that we work with both employers looking for talent and professionals looking for new opportunities. We are in a unique position to

#DOIT: How Can Nezda Help You Start A Tech Career

Technology infuses every aspect of our lives, from business to government to personal life. You have the power to solve problems, increase efficiency, facilitate communication, and generally make life better.

Nezda FEES Year 2023 – Awarding of Scholarship Grants

While we work so hard to achieve our dreams – we take one child dreamer with us.For our #ThrowbackTuesday, we would like to reminisce how Nezda Fees started with only