Things To Consider In Applying To Tech Companies

There are things you shouldn’t do and do during job hunting, and technical jobs are no exception. “What are some of these?” you may be wondering. Here are some dos and don’ts to help you with your application, be noticed, secure and interview and get a job!

1. Develop Soft Skills, Not Just Programming Skills.
There is a difference between being technically capable and being willing to contribute to a technical team.

As a program developer for a technology company, you need to know how to connect, collaborate with others, learn new skills effectively, and be part of the tech community.  Let’s take a closer look at the soft skills needed to be hired in the tech industry and how to develop those skills. 

Learn Good Communication.
When working with a team of developers, everyone should understand the project vision, who is responsible for what, standard approach for completing tasks, and be able to collaborate effectively.

Being a fair and effective communicator adds value to your professional life and almost certainly increases your chances of being hired for a technical job. 

Learn To Work As Part Of A Team.
While programming requires solitude in front of a computer, software developers spend a lot of time collaborating with other engineers. This is closely related to communication, but it’s about the actual, hands-on process of creating a program. 

Learn How To Learn.

Use different resources. Expand your knowledge by searching on Google, relying on your peers, using resources you find online and people you meet at conferences.

Be curious as you learn. Ask a question. If you don’t understand something, don’t pretend you do. Be humble and let others teach you. When learning a programming language, learn that particular language should not be the only goal. You have to learn how to break down problems and understand intellectual ideas. These skills will help you as you continue to learn new languages ​​and concepts on the job.  

2. Gain Real Experience.

Following tutorials are advantageous, especially in the beginning, but at some point you should actually start creating your own projects. This way you’ll have to come up with real problems and come up with your own solutions. You can also have fun creating apps and websites that reflect your interests.  

3. Build Community And Network.

It’s just a resume if you don’t have a network of contacts who can recommend you to companies or clients.

As you build your community and network, you may know someone at a company who can recommend you or let you know when they are hiring. Even without an official endorsement, you can find friends to turn to for support or to build things with. 

4. Know Your Industry Or Field Of Interest.

Too many people focus on what they want and ignore the industry they work in. Having the technical skills to do something is one thing for him, but having a comprehensive understanding of how his role fits into the big picture is far more valuable.

This includes understanding how companies in your desired sector operate, what problems they are trying to solve, and what their values ​​and culture are. 

5. Clarify What You Really Want At Work.

Ideally, the job should align with your principles, beliefs, and lifestyle needs. Otherwise, you may get paid for any job, but you won’t be happy and you won’t advance in your career. This can go hand-in-hand with choosing a niche you’re passionate about, as detailed above.

For example, I am passionate about online education and helping people achieve digital skills to advance their careers and lives.

To maximize your chances of landing a great job without a struggle, lay the preparation for being a good candidate first. By building this groundwork, you can start your job hunt from a stronger position

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